NAACP Roy Wilkins Renown Service Award

  • Published

Nomination Authority

This is a notification for planning purposes, however the criteria and the specific package are subject to change if/when notified by the award sponsoring organization.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Roy Wilkins Renown Service Awards honors military members and Department of Defense (DoD) civilian employees, men and women, who have supported the DoD mission, overseas contingency operations, or whose attributes best epitomized the qualities and core values of their respective Military Service or other DoD Component and enthusiastically supported the civil rights movement in Armed Forces or the Federal civilian workforce. The period of performance for this award is from 1 July – 31 March. Nominees are expected to attend the NAACP recognition ceremony event. The recipient’s unit is responsible for paying related per diem and travel costs. The date and location for the award presentation ceremony will be announced at a later time.


Your nominees should be evaluated for receipt of this award using one or more of the NAACP Roy Wilkins award criterion listed below:

  • The nominee distinguished himself or herself by promoting the tenets of civil/human rights, equal opportunity, human relations, and/or public service.
  • The nominee displayed exceptional character that distinguishes an individual as an outstanding leader, role model or mentor by promoting the development or advancement of all DOD personnel including women and minorities.
  • The nominee contributed to the equal opportunity for advancement based on merit and fitness for all members of the Armed Forces and civilians, including woman and minorities.
  • The nominee believed in and practiced the tenets of a democratic society, including the Declaration of Independence - the belief that all people are created equal, and that freedom is a right that must be protected at all times.
  • The nominee assisted in overcoming discrimination and elimination barriers that hinder equal opportunity for all members of the Armed Forces and civilian employees including women and minorities.
  • The nominee supported the full integration and promotion of all DOD personnel to include minorities and women within the Armed Forces and civilian workforce.
  • The nominee created opportunities that support and contribute to the mentorship, development, advancement or retention of all personnel including women and minorities in government service consistent with merit principles.
  • The nominee created job or training opportunities that will support and contribute to advancement of all Service members including women and minorities in the Armed Forces of civilian workforce.

Nomination Package

Recommendation Letter

A recommendation letter signed by the MAJCOM/COCOM/FOA/DRU commander, vice commander, executive director with the following statement “A records check was conducted on (date) and revealed no information that would bring discredit to the award or the United States Air Force.” This authority may be delegated to the A1 Director by the MAJCOM/COCOM/FOA/DRU commander. This may be a scanned or PDF document.

Transmittal Worksheet

Award Nomination Transmittal Worksheet


A single-spaced narrative describing the nominee’s accomplishments warranting this recognition as a Microsoft Word document not to exceed two pages (Font: Times New Roman 12-point font). Do not send a scanned or PDF document.


An award citation highlighting the nominee’s accomplishments as a Microsoft Word document (single-spaced, not to exceed twelve lines of text, 12-point font, with 1 inch left and right margins). Refer to Air Force Instruction 36-2805, Attachment 3, for format. Do not send a scanned or PDF document. **Acronyms are not authorized in the citation.


A single-spaced biography of the nominee as a Microsoft Word document not to exceed one page. Do not send a scanned or PDF document.

Official Photo

A digital (.jpg format) head and shoulder color or black-and-white photograph of the nominee. This should be an official Air Force photo taken by the local military multi-media unit.

Statement of Release

Addressed to Air Force Personnel Center Recognition Programs Section (AFPC/DP1SSP). Each nominee must sign a public release statement that reads verbatim: "I do or do not (circle one) agree to the use of Privacy Act information in the nomination narrative. This information may include Privacy information or personally identifiable information found in Air Force Instruction 33-332, Air Force Privacy and Civil Liberties Program, Chapter two, Privacy Act. I understand those transmitting personal information via email will exercise caution and adequately safeguard it in accordance with AFI 33-332, paragraphs 2.5 and subparagraphs. The announcement message or any publicity regarding the award nomination will contain no privacy act information other than name, rank, and base of assignment." The nominee must sign and date this statement.

Nomination Submission

Each MAJCOM/COCOM/FOA/DRU may submit two nominations (one Military and one Civilian). Send nominations in original format to AFPC/DP1SSP ( The only scanned documents accepted are those with signatures, such as the recommendation letters and public release statements. All other documents should be in Word document format.

If your nomination package is not received by the established suspense date and an extension has not been approved, the nomination package will not be considered and will be returned with no action.