HQ ARPC provides a broad scope of awards and decorations services for retired, separated, and deceased Airmen. All currently serving Airmen should contact their servicing CSS, MPF, or Detachment personnel for concerns related to awards and decorations.

Awards and decs questions pertaining to retired, separated, and deceased Airmen should be routed to HQ ARPC via myFSS at https://myfss.us.af.mil/USAFCommunity/s/. Select Ask A Question to initiate a request. Alternatively, these requests can be initiated by the Total Force Service Center via phone at: Comm: (210) 565-0102, DSN: 665-0102 or Toll Free: 1(800) 525-0102. 


Listing of Authorized Awards and Decs from MilPDS (May Not Include a Picture)

  • Additions or Corrections to Existing Awards in MilPDS
  • Add Decoration Citations/Order/Certificate to ARMS
  • Determine Award Eligibility Based on Supporting Records (Only awards not requiring prior approval/authorization from another command or Headquarters) 
  • Receive AFBCMR Requests for Advisories and Admin Corrections
  • Execute AFBCMR Directed Correction of Records

Note: HQ ARPC is not an approval authority for awards nor decorations. Awards and decs requiring approval/authorization from another command or organization must be routed through those officials prior to submitting a request to HQ ARPC. If the approval authority awards an award or decoration, please supply supporting documentation to HQ ARPC. If contacting the approval authority is not possible create a myFSS ticket but the final option to correct these awards is via the AFBCMR.


EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2024: The myDecs Reimagined application launched, resulting in HQ ARPC/DPTSA no longer processing and finalizing Awards and Decorations.

FIRST: IMA, AFR, and ANG - contact their servicing MPS/FSS/Detachment with all awards inquiries.

SECOND: IMA/AFR/ANG MPS/FSS/Detachment Personnel Only: for additional resources or assistance see exceptions listed below.

MPS PERSONNEL ONLY (TOTAL FORCE): For myDecs Reimagined concerns use this link to access the “My Decs Reimagined Train-the-Trainer” Microsoft Teams channel.

AIR NATIONAL GUARD MPS ONLY: For awards policy questions that the MPS cannot resolve refer to Knowledge Article 3144 in myFSS.

MPS PERSONNEL ONLY: HQ ARPC/DPT will respond to Reserve specific policy concerns via myFSS by selecting Ask A Question. However, questions that are addressed in other policy, guides, and law will be referred to those sources. Please refer to DAFMAN 36-2806, DAFI 36-2803, DoDI 1348.33 and MyDecs Reimagined PSDG.

Legacy Decorations: An approval authority may amend, revoke, or rescind a decoration that was processed prior/outside of myDecs Reimagined using the AF IMT 973, Request and Authorization for Change of Administrative Orders. Once the AF IMT 973 is complete the servicing personnel office will use that form to update MilPDS amendments and revocations. Forward the completed form to ARMS via mail or direct myFSS upload (if available).