Director of Staff

Mr. Mark Maxfield

IMA to the Commander


Commander, HQ Individual Reservist Readiness and Integration Organization (RIO)

Colonel Nathan T. Day

Command Chief, HQ Individual Reservist Readiness and Integration Organization (RIO)


Commander, HQ Air National Guard Readiness Center Det 41

Col. Michael Loy

Staff Judge Advocate

Col. Lauren DiDomenico

Director of Assignments

Col. Christy L. Shaw

Director, Personnel and Total Force Services

Col. Lonnie D. Sell

Director, Future Operations and Integration

Mr. Kenneth Klein

Director, Reserve of the Air Force Selection Board Directorate

Col. Timothy Lundburg

Directorate of Human Performance and Development

Col. Anita M. Edmonds

Director, Financial Management

Mr. Terence Miller

Director, Public Affairs

Maj. Angela Martin

First Sgt., HQ ARPC

Master Sgt. Jared Allen

Air Force Reserve Command leadership biographies can be found here

Air Force Reserve Command Mobilization Biographies can be found here. Please note that these members are not assigned to or affiliated with Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center.