The Student Loan Repayment Program is an Air Force Reserve program that makes one annual payment, per qualifying loan account number, directly to the lending institution toward the balance of an individual’s student loans. It is a program designed to attract and retain individuals in critical wartime specialties for participation in the Selected Reserve. Enlisted members agree to participate in the Selected Reserve in exchange for education loan repayment to their designated lender. This incentive is paid out annually, after each year of satisfactory service.
This program is currently available to civilian accessions to the Air Force Reserve and prior-service Airmen. The SLRP is a program potentially available to non-prior service and prior-service six-year enlistees who agree to serve in a critical Air Force Reserve (AFR) skill. The SLRP is designed to repay Federal guaranteed student loans.
Eligible Air Force Specialty Codes
The AFRC Manpower, Personnel and Services Directorate publishes the Air Force Reserve Enlisted Master Incentive Listing with Critical Shortages annually. When published, this list becomes official with the beginning of each fiscal year (1 October). Only the AFSCs which appear on the Air Force Reserve Enlisted Master Incentive Listing which are identified as local critical shortages are eligible to apply. Do not confuse the AFSCs with the top-20 command critical listings which are solely used for the NPS enlistment/affiliation bonus increased incentive. Contact the Wing Career Advisor at your servicing Manpower and Personnel Services Flight for current openings.
Eligibility Criteria
As a non-prior service or prior service (including affiliation) member, enlist with the Air Force Reserve for 6 years in one of the critical AFSCs and complete Initial Active Duty Training (IADT). IADT consists of Basic Military Training (BMT) and Technical Training. This program is currently available to civilian accessions to the Air Force Reserve and prior-service Airmen (including affiliation). At present, current Air Force Reserve members, who are incentive eligible through reenlistment, are not eligible for this program. Airman must be awarded an AFSC and fill a valid Selected Reserve position based on their duty AFSC which appears on the current Air Force Reserve Master Incentive Listing at the time of enlistment. Approval is contingent upon available funding. It is not possible to participate in all three of the incentives (SLRP, Enlisted Incentive Program, and Montgomery GI Bill – Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) Kicker program). Eligible Airmen must individually qualify and select two out of the three incentives. For example, an eligible member who elects the Enlisted Incentive Program or the MGIB-SR Kicker will not be entitled to the SLRP.
Amount of the Payments For this Incentive
Annual payment will be 15% of the outstanding balance or $500 per each qualifying loan account number including interest, whichever is greater, up to $3,500 for each year of satisfactory service, regardless of when the member entered the program. No payment will exceed the amount needed to liquidate a loan and no one individual may ever exceed $20,000 over the lifetime of the program (including any interest that may have been paid). Lifetime of the program is considered a 6-year enlistment.
Payments are made annually. The annual payments will be made based on your enlistment anniversary date until your enlistment is complete. Member must have a satisfactory year, or the amount will be pro-rated. Member must go to their Wing Training Office within 90 days of their enlistment anniversary date to receive additional counseling on repayment processing requirements and sign a SLRP written contract.
Qualified Loans for SLRP
Loans must be Federal guaranteed loans (i.e., Stafford, Ford, or Perkins loan ONLY). Federally recognized loans made must be insured or guaranteed through a recognized financial or educational institution. If the member's loan is moved to a new Federally guaranteed lender it is the member's responsibility to inform their respective Base Education Services Officer (ESO). Furthermore, if the member re-finances their loan with a private organization, it will no longer be eligible for SLRP.
Member Application Process
Member must visit their servicing MPS/Wing Training Office within 90 days of enlistment anniversary date to initiate the loan repayment process. The MPS/Wing Training Office will provide the member counseling, program facts and contact information, and written agreement. Member must request annual loan payment in writing (DD Form 2475) within 90 days of completing each year of satisfactory service. Member and/or lending institution provides the Base ESO the appropriate documentation (promissory note and DD Form 2475) to validate loan or loan status and complete SLRP repayment processing. Loans cannot be in default.
Contact an Air Force Reserve Recruiter to apply for SLRP to inquire about your eligibility. If you elected the SLRP entitlement, please contact your servicing Base Education Services Officer.