Force Development is the career-long pursuit of education, training, experiences, and assignments that produce Citizen Airmen who possess the requisite skills, knowledge, and motivation to lead and execute the full spectrum of Air Force Reserve missions. Each Citizen Airman is encouraged to seek out opportunities and experiences to remain professionally relevant throughout the course of their career. The overall goal of the AFR Force Development program is to align career development of Reserve members with AFR mission needs, within the context and culture of the Citizen Airman program.
The goal is to produce Citizen Airmen who possess the tactical expertise, operational competence, and strategic vision to lead and execute the full spectrum of Air Force missions. The execution of FD will:
- Maximize capabilities of all Citizen Airmen to ensure the Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) can provide the right leader at the right time for air, space and cyberspace power in support of Air Force requirements.
- Ensure opportunities and expectations are transparent, providing visibility to all Citizen Airmen.
- Develop a pool of qualified candidates for strategic senior leadership positions within the Air Force Reserve through assignment processes.
- Connect education, training and experience opportunities-to include assignments/deployments-to best leverage the Continuum of Learning that builds and enhances institutional and occupational competencies that meet Air Force Reserve needs in and across career fields.
- Enhance Citizen Airmen understanding of their role in FD, using their inputs regarding desires within developmental education, professional military education and future assignment opportunities, and provide feedback to inform and shape expectations.
For Development Team Board and Developmental Education Board information, to include application instructions, deadlines, and public releases, please visit the myFSS Knowledge Article below:
myFSS AFR Force Development Home Page: