HomeCOVID-19 Mobilization

the Air Force is mobilizing currently serving Reservists and Individual Ready Reservists, as required, to support COVID-19 response efforts. Air Force Reservists with specialized skills in the medical field, in logistics, and in command and control are being identified for possible mobilization to augment and assist our nation in these challenging times.

Medical personnel are at the top of the list to assist in USNORTHCOM operations to contain the spread of COVID-19 and care for Americans affected. Required personnel will be contacted through command channels about their willingness to volunteer and to receive notification of mobilization as operations progress. Currently serving medical Reservists willing to volunteer for mobilization should email HQAFRC.SG.AFRCPHEOs@us.af.mil to self-identify their availability.

Selected Reserve includes actively serving members of the uniformed services (TR, ART, IMA,PIRR)

Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) includes members who have separated from the uniformed services but have a remaining service commitment and may be subject to mobilization. 

Selected Reserve & Individual Ready Reserve Q&As

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No, at this time IRR members are not being involuntary mobilized in response to COVID-19 operations. As stated above, only IRR members are being solicited to identify if they are a volunteer. 

On March 27, the President signed an Executive Order to mobilize the Air Reserve Component (Guard and Reserve), as needed, in support of COVID-19 response. We expect medical personnel to be targeted for mobilization first. Currently, the Air Force Reserve plans to explore Selected Reserve and Participating Individual Ready Reserve (PIRR) members already serving to fill mission taskings. However, this Executive Order does give authority to expand to the IRR to mobilize under 10 USC Section 12302 as mission dictates. ARC members must be prepared for mobilization at any time.

Yes, IRR members should have received an email survey via myPers asking them to identify if they are interested in serving in support of COVID-19 efforts.

Only when solicited, IRR members can volunteer, however, the orders they will receive will still be “involuntary” in nature. Meaning they are subject to Title 10, 12302 and cannot be released until 2 years unless directed otherwise.

This applies to medical personnel who are fully trained (AFSC/skill level/grade) and able to meet operational requirements associated with COVID-19 response.

A post-deployment medical screening will determine if an Airman needs to be quarantined. Your quarantine location will be at the discretion of your unit commander/assigned station. Restriction of Movement (ROM) is required for all Airmen who have traveled through a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Travel Health Notice (THN) Level 2 or 3 country via military or commercial means. Members will be placed in ROM at an appropriate local-area location at the discretion of their commander for 14 days (beginning the day of departure from the Level 2 or 3 country). Upon completion of ROM, Airmen will complete normal post deployment actions to include downtime (reconstitution) and leave. These are separate. If a member is on voluntary orders (12301d), the same rules apply, reference quarantine; however, their orders would be extended to cover the 14-day quarantine period. If they exhibit symptoms and test positive while still on that order, then they will be placed on pre-MEDCON orders. If they exhibit signs or symptoms after the order ends, normal Line of Duty Determination rules and procedures would apply.

Airmen willing to volunteer for mobilization should contact their squadron commander, unit deployment manager, HQ Readiness and Integration Organization Detachment, Functional Area Manager and email: HQAFRC.SG.AFRCPHEOs@us.af.mil to self-identify their availability. In the body of the e-mail please provide your name, rank, AFSC, assigned/attached unit, civilian email, address, phone number and if you are currently involved in COVID-19 response in your civilian job.

Members who have separated from the Air Force are able to find if they have fulfilled their MSO by checking section 6 on their most recent DD Form 214. A Reserve member’s separation order will provide this information. The NGB Form 22, Report of Separation and Record of Service, will indicate if Guard members have been transferred to the AF Reserve. Members can also contact the Total Force Service Center at 1-800-525-0102.

Members will need to submit exemption/delay request and supporting documentation via myPers or the org box ARPC.PIM.Management@us.af.mil.

Create an incident for the member annotating the current address.

Typically, a member has 30 days to report to their designated location once notified, but this timeline can be waived by the Secretary of Defense. Minimum time to report is 5 days. Report date will be listed on the member’s orders.

Approximately 23,000 personnel make up the Air Force IRR force.

Members will receive orders through certified mail. Further instructions will be included on those orders.

Specifically referencing the two weeks of reconstitution normally given at home base to close out the deployment orders.

In coordination with their prospective commanders, the unit deployment managers and unit ARTs will determine the appropriate plan for post-deployment reconstitution aligned with mandatory quarantine measures that would ensure the safety and health of the deployed member.

Once released, if a member has fulfilled their commitment while activated they will be discharged. If they still have time remaining on their commitment, they will go back into the IRR to finish that time out and will be discharged once completed.

Any activation of the IRR will include medical/dental screening along with uniform issue and other initial actions upon mobilization.

Members are required to report to their designated gaining location on the date and time specified on their orders. Additional information pertaining to uniform, flights, etc. will be on the orders.

The IRR stands for the Individual Ready Reserve. IRR members have an unfulfilled portion of their initial 8-year Military Service Obligation or other service commitment (separation pay election). Members are assigned as a result of recent separation from active duty or a participating guard/reserve program. 

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While in the IRR, members are a mobilization asset and are subject to recall to active duty in case of a national emergency/war. As members of the IRR, they will be notified by the Air Reserve Personnel Center to meet annual screening requirements, such as updating personal information, contact information, and annotating medical status changes. Members may also be required to attend a mandatory in-person Muster screening. Additionally, IRR members are also able to participate in mobilization exercises. When mobilized, members will become Active Duty assets and will be utilized in a manner consistent with Active Duty requirements. 

When mobilized, members will become Active Duty assets and will be utilized in a manner consistent with Active Duty requirements.

A member of the Selected Reserve is an actively serving Airmen who is currently assigned to an Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, or active duty unit. These Airmen are fully qualified and trained in their fields and able to deploy as tasked/required. Selected Reserve members regularly participate in unit training assemblies and have annual tour requirements.

Extenuating circumstances (i.e. physical limitations), extreme personal or community hardship.

The primary focus is on those members with medical skillsets; however, other non-medical AFSCs may identify themselves to help support the COVID-19 relief.

An IRR recall would likely target certain specialties. Military leaders are likely to leverage needed military personnel first by calling up the current members of the Selected Reserve (IMAs, TRs, AGRs, etc.). Once those options have been depleted, Military leaders will then determine if there are still requirements that need to be filled in certain skill sets. If there are, the IRR would be next to recall.

At present, we do not have an official tasking for COVID-19 response. However, established procedures are in place to identify/validate all assigned taskings to the tasked installation/unit. ARC members--SelRes, PIRR and IRR--will be notified as mission dictates.

IRR members can be recalled under USC Title 10 12301(a) Full/Total mobilization, 12302, Partial Mobilization, 12304, Presidential Reserve Call-up, and 123034(a), Reserve CONUS Emergency Call-up. Length of activation varies based on mobilization authority and can be from 120 days to duration of national emergency/conflict, plus 6 months. Mobilization of the IRR means that there are shortfalls among Active and Reserve components that need immediate filling. 

At this time, the President has approved Title 10 USC, Section 12302, Partial Mobilization, for COVID-19 operations. Mobilization of the IRR means that there could be shortfalls among Active and Reserve components that need immediate filling. Mobilization will be for up to 2 years unless formally released sooner due to end of national emergency.

There is no easy answer to this question. Waiver approval to allow ARC members with DAV codes to support a prospective tasking will depend on the specific code and other information. Waivers and/or exceptions will be addressed on an individual basis. HAF/A1 is currently exploring potential waivers to annual readiness requirements, as well. More information will be provided as it becomes available.

No, mobilization for IRR members who identify as a volunteer are not guaranteed to be mobilized. 

Funds for pay and allowances for ARC members placed on voluntary orders (12301d) are provided from the Military Personnel Appropriation (MPA) account. For ARC members activated under 12302, pay and allowances come from the active component.