the Air Force is mobilizing currently serving Reservists and Individual Ready Reservists, as required, to support COVID-19 response efforts. Air Force Reservists with specialized skills in the medical field, in logistics, and in command and control are being identified for possible mobilization to augment and assist our nation in these challenging times.
Medical personnel are at the top of the list to assist in USNORTHCOM operations to contain the spread of COVID-19 and care for Americans affected. Required personnel will be contacted through command channels about their willingness to volunteer and to receive notification of mobilization as operations progress. Currently serving medical Reservists willing to volunteer for mobilization should email HQAFRC.SG.AFRCPHEOs@us.af.mil to self-identify their availability.
Selected Reserve includes actively serving members of the uniformed services (TR, ART, IMA,PIRR)
Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) includes members who have separated from the uniformed services but have a remaining service commitment and may be subject to mobilization.