Please contact the Total Force Service Center at DSN 665-0102, Commercial at 210-565-0102, or Toll Free at 1-800-525-0102 for assistance. You'll need to follow the prompts to get to the appropriate personnel specialist. Personnel specialists are standing by 24/7 to assist you with the exception of New Year's Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Overseas callers: dial a toll-free AT&T direct access number from the country you are in, then 1-800-525-0102. Users can also visit the AT&T Enterprise website to obtain direct access numbers.

DSN Prefix

Having trouble making a call? Remember to dial 94 first for DSN calls; then 312 for CONUS (if not currently stationed CONUS), 314 for USAFE and 315 for PACAF before the dialing the rest of the DSN number.

Public Affairs Questions

For any other matters regarding the content of this website, or not addressed by the numbers above, please send us an email by clicking the "Contact Us" button below. 

*The Public Affairs office does not have access to personnel records; please contact the TFSC to address personnel issues.*

Pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, Title 5, USC Section 552A, please do NOT send any personally identifiable information, such as social security numbers, dates of birth nor addresses, through this public contact system.