COVID-19 Travel information for Individual Reservists

COVID-19 and travel for Air Force Individual Reservists

(Current as of 1800 eastern, 14 March 2020)  Information will be updated as needed.

On 13 March 2020, Stop Movement for All Domestic Travel for DOD Components in Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 was published, which outlined new travel restrictions for military members.  Additional FAQ was also published.  How this guidance affects individual reservists (IMAs and PIRRs) depends on a number of factors. Here are some things to remember as you look at your future military and personal travel over the coming weeks. 


1.  Reservists who are NOT in a duty status (IDT/AT/RPA/MPA) are not required to adhere to the ISD stop movement guidance, unless they are also DoD Civilians or DoD Dependents. 

2.  Reservists who are ALREADY en route or serving on orders that require travel reimbursement are to allowed to continue.  When those orders (AT/RPA/MPA) or that status (IDT) ends, they are to return to their home station.  This includes IDTs that are in conjunction with AT.

3.  "Local area" is determined by the installation/wing commander (not the base commander) of your assigned or attached active duty unit.  If you have questions about whether or not "local area" applies to your situation, direct those questions to your active duty supervisor and chain of command.

4.  Reservists with orders (RPA/MPA/AT) scheduled between 16 March and 11 May 2020 that are OUTSIDE the local area of their home station will have those orders canceled by their detachments.  If, by working with their active duty chain of command, they are able to work out a local area alternate location or a telework agreement, they should go into AROWS-R and create a new orders request which reflects the change and work with their detachments to get those orders processed.

5.  Reservists with orders (RPA/MPA/AT) scheduled between 16 March and 11 May 2020 that are WITHIN the local area can proceed.  The stop movement doesn't apply. 

6. Reservists whose active duty units label mission-essential are exempt from the stop movement.  This requires very high level approval so please see the details about the mission-essential waiver here.

7.  Reservists who have IDTs planned between 16 March and 11 May 2020 OUTSIDE the local area will not travel, regardless of whether the travel is reimbursed (critical AFSCs).  They should work with their active duty chain of command to explore the possibility of completing the IDTs via telework.   

8.  Reservists with IDTs scheduled between 16 March and 11 May 2020 that are WITHIN the local area can proceed.  The stop movement doesn't apply. 

9. Reservists who need to perform readiness tasks (PT testing, etc.) can do so if the facility is in the local area.  If there isn't a local area option, please stand by for further guidance on waivers, extensions, etc.  More to come. 

10. Reservists with circumstances not already addressed in #1-#9 should reach out to their active duty chain of command the their detachments to get their questions answered.

The key is to stay in communication with your assigned or attached active duty unit.  They have OPCON for you.  If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to your Detachment or Col Boehle, the HQ RIO commander, directly:


Cell phone: (501) 993-3093


Here are some helpful links you may need:

Department of the Air Force page with up-to-date news related to COVID-19 and the military

Detachment commander and staff contact information  

Blank telework agreement