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This PDF calendar contains dates for upcoming calendar year 2019 development teams, school boards, promotion boards and special boards.
DTs periodically evaluate records to provide deliberate counsel maximizing individual goals and potential through: vectoring (career counsel), Command or Key Position certification, and In-residence DE recommendations.
Reserve Enlisted and Officer Development Plans (R-EDP/R-ODP) are a critical communication link between a reservist, a mentor (optional), the coordinator, and the DT. DPs should be completed annually, or when personal circumstances warrant, to indicate education/training desires, assignment preferences, and goals. DPs are available for update in the vPC Dashboard, accessible through myPers.
EDEB evaluates and recommends high potential enlisted members to attend select in- residence Professional Development courses. HQ ARPC publicizes the EDEB at least 3 months prior to the board. The invitation announcement will contain the EDEB convening dates, the EDEB Application, nomination suspense and instructions, and POC information.
The RSSB competitively selects Reserve officers to attend short DE, Officer Professional Development (OPD), and joint in-residence courses. The RSSB convenes bi-annually, in January and July respectively, with a posted invitation to apply generally two months in advance of the board. The January board selects for class start dates beginning May through September. The July board selects for class start dates beginning October through April. Members meeting the established criteria (by course) are encouraged to apply through the vPC Dashboard, accessible via RSSB. NOTE: Class start dates are not available in advance; those selected will be notified in their reporting instructions, post board.
The RDEDB competitively selects Reserve officers to attend in-residence Intermediate and Senior Developmental Education (IDE and SDE) Schools. RDEDB convenes annually in the winter, with a posted invitation to apply the preceding summer. Members meeting the established criteria are encouraged to apply through the vPC Dashboard, accessible via RDEDB. Candidates are required to prioritize all schools for which they are eligible in order of preference. Packages must be staffed through their rater and Detachment CC to their senior rater for final endorsement.