The Who's Who guide for Individual Reservists provides information on which offices own which career processes. Contact information for HQ RIO can be found on the HQ RIO Directory.
All IR's will contact their unit of assignment's FSS or CSS for the following actions:
- Adverse Actions/UIF
- Duty Information Updates
- Personnel Record Updates
HQ RIO Force Management Provides oversight of the following actions for all HQ RIO Detachments:
- myPers incidents
- Participation
- IR members may contact the HQ RIO/Force Management office directly for Uniform requests and
myPers console training.
HQ RIO Integration Readiness Office Provides oversight of the following programs for all HQ RIO Detachments:
- Line of Duty Determinations
- Training for IRs and AGRs and Reg AF assigned to HQ RIO
- Directly provides Individual Reservist Orientation training at Buckley AFB to all IRs.
HQ RIO Reserve Pay Office Provides military pay customer service to all IRs to include, but not limited to the following services:
- Processing of Long and Short Tour order military pay entitlements
- Bonus pay processing
- Leave number assignment and processing
- Special Duty Pay
- Overseas Entitlements
- Officer Clothing Allowance
- IDT military pay reimbursement
- Military Buybacks for Civilians
- Manual processing of TSP deduction transactions
Many transactions can be processed via myPay such as updating bank account information, Federal and State Withholdings, correspondence address, and TSP deduction percentages.
HQ RIO IR Travel Office Provides travel pay customer service to all IRs to include, but not limited to the following services:
- RTS voucher completion advice and assistance
- Processing of all RTS vouchers to include the following:
- Final settlement vouchers
- Partial settlement vouchers
- IDT Lodging vouchers
- RTS Mileage only payments
- PCS and PPM Vouchers
- Any assistance required for DTS should be coordinated through the detachment ODTA.
HQ RIO Orders Writing Cell Provides oversight and quality assurance for all HQ RIO Detachments. A customer service function does not exist within this area for IRs directly. IRs should coordinate questions concerning orders with their Orders Writing Technicians at their assigned detachment.
HQ RIO/IPR Provides oversight and customer service functions for all contingency, exercise, and deployment attendance and orders processing.
ARPC/FM Provides oversight for the following programs for ARPC and HQ RIO:
- DTS - LDTA function
- Budget
While these functions are centrally managed within ARPC for HQ RIO, IRs will not contact
ARPC/FM directly. The detachments hold customer service functions for all of these
programs; therefore, the IR will only indirectly receive service through these functions via
their detachment.
HQ RIO Detachments Provides the following services to their assigned IRs:
- ODTA - assists IRs with any issues within DTS to include, but not limited to: authorization/voucher completion, insufficient funds notifications, debt management, EFT return, etc.
- Orders writers - assists members with the submission of orders and modifications.
- myPers incidents - initiates and manages IR myPers incidents.
- URC - coordinates actions between the IR, Active Duty unit, and detachments.
- Participation - ensures IRs are fulfilling participation requirements.
- UTAPS - assists IRs with functions within UTAPS.
- Transition Assistance Program
- Line of Duty Determinations - initiates and coordinates via the detachment commander
- Blended Retirement System
- Training for assigned IRs, AGRs and Reg AF
Active-component unit Provides the following services to their assigned IRs:
- Supervisory roles to include, but not limited to completion and coordination of EPRs/OPRs
- Security Manager