Individual Reservist Transition Assistance Program
How do I know if my TAP requirements has been met?
By (1)completing the DD 2648-1 (Preseparation Briefing & Checklist), (2)attending required TAP workshop, and (3)completion of DD 2958 (ITP checklist/Capstone). Both forms must be uploaded by A&FRC into AFFIRST system. A&FRC can also verify your compliance in AFFIRST system if you provide your name & social. Always keep copies of your documentation.
When should I complete TAP?
Pre-separation briefing should be completed at the start of your orders and TAP should ideally be completed prior to orders completion. It will create less hassle for the member if TAP is completed during qualifying orders. If you wait till your orders are complete to accomplish TAP, you must complete requirements NLT 90 days after orders end date. Your unit is required to make reasonable accommodations to enable your compliance.
Can I accomplish TAP when I officially retire?
There is no requirement for separating/retiring members to attend TAP. However if your retiring and would like to attend, contact the A&FRC for TAP availability.
How do I obtain an exemption for Transition Assistance Program - Goals Plans and Success (T-GPS)?
To be exempt members need to have civilian employment or be a student and have confirmed enrollment. No-one is exempt from the Pre-Sep Briefing, the One-day VA brief, and the Capstone. There are virtual options that you can set up through A&FRC for T-GPS and the VA Brief.
How do I schedule a VA benefits briefing?
All TAP related action will be set-up through the A&FRC/TAP office. Every base regardless of branch/service will have an office to facilitate your TAP needs.
I don't need any of these benefits...Do I really need to attend TAP?
Yes. By law, you are required to complete TAP if you have accomplished orders lasting 180 days or more. TAP should be completed for every set of orders meeting the "180+ day" criteria.
Where are my TAP records/status maintained?
TAP compliance records are maintained by the A&FRC in a system called AFFIRST. AFRC pulls AFFIRST data and submits the data to ARCNET for status updates. Each base, regardless of service or branch (i.e. USAFR, USN, USCG, USAF) are required to have a TAP Facilitator/Office to assist you in setting up your TAP needs. You can accomplish TAP requirements at any base regardless of your assigned location.
I have a full time job…Am I still required to attend TAP?
Yes. If you have civilian employment, you can be exempt from all except the Pre-Separation brief, the VA brief, and the Capstone. You can also accomplish T-GPS and the VA brief via correspondence. Either way you will be required to set it up through the A&FRC at any base regardless of service or branch.
I completed TAP when I was on active duty…Do I need to re-accomplish TAP?
Yes. It needs to be re-accomplished after every set of orders that are 180-day or more regardless of your active duty completion.
I have not been on orders in years...Do I have to accomplish TAP?
Yes. The only exemptions are as follows: If you’re a student (non-PME) or have civilian employment you only have to attend the Pre-Separation brief, 1-day VA brief, and the Capstone. If you were active duty and completed TAP during active duty and subsequently participated in 180 day or more orders after 21 Nov 2012, you are required by law to re-accomplish TAP.
I'm currently on orders for 180+ day. I don’t want to notify the active duty unit that I am supporting that I will be gone for a week. What is the minimum I need to accomplish to satisfy requirement?
Compliance is a law. Your unit is mandated to comply and make reasonable accommodations, mission permitting, to allow you to comply. It becomes a hassle if you wait till your orders are completed to attend TAP. Thus if you have the availability, complete TAP as soon as practical but not later than 90 days after the conclusion of your orders. If more convenient, consider the virtual options for T-GPS & the VA Brief.
I have recently completed the TAP requirements. Why am I receiving this email?
You may have completed TAP previously. However you are required to complete TAP for EVERY set of orders lasting 180 days or more. If you are unsure as to whether or not you are in compliance, contact the local A&FRC and they can verify.
What is TAP & do I qualify for an exemption?
The TAP workshop is 5 days long and does not include the mandatory Pre-Sep Briefing. That 5 day period includes the VA brief. You can only achieve exemption if you have civilian employment or be a student and have confirmed enrollment. No-one is exempt from the Pre-Sep Brief, the VA brief, or the Capstone. There is a virtual option for TGPS and the VA brief that you can set up through A&FRC.
I'm currently deployed…When I return what do I need to do to complete the requirement?
Contact the closest A&FRC to set-up your TAP participation. Regardless of the base, branch, or service...installations are required by law to have a TAP facilitator/office and are mandated to allow you to participate. Your unit will place you on RPA orders to accomplish TAP if you did not complete prior to your orders end.
How do I request an extension to complete TAP?
No such request exist. If you have civilian employment or are a student (enrollment verified), you are entitled to exemption of the first 4 days of the workshop (T-GPS). No one is exempt from the Pre-Sep, VA brief, and Capstone. T-GPS (Day 1-4) and the VA brief (Day 5) is also available via correspondence. Ideally complete TAP during your orders if the mission permits. If not, you have 90 days from the last day of your orders to accomplish TAP. Be advised that commanders have the option to disapprove future orders until you are in compliance.
What is a DD2958 and which office do I submit it to?
The DD2958 is an Individual Transition Plan Checklist (ITP checklist) called the Capstone. Any documents regarding TAP should be reviewed by A&FRC with the member and submitted to the A&FRC. The review will be conducted during attendance at the respective TAP segment.
The closest Air Force Base is too far away. Will I be placed on orders to accomplish TAP?
If mission requirements prevented you from accomplishing TAP during your initial orders, your unit is mandated to place you on RPA orders to accomplish TAP. AFRC will reimburse the unit provided the orders were written correctly (see item number 30). Any military installation, regardless of service, should be able to accommodate your TAP needs. Additionally, virtual options exist that can be set up by A&FRC.
My continuous RPA orders will roll into a 3 year AGR tour…Can I accomplish TAP toward the end of my AGR tour?
Yes. If there is a break in the orders and the member was prevented from accomplishing TAP during initial qualifying orders member must complete TAP within 90 days of the break in orders. Members are eligible during a 3-year AGR tour. However, not completing TAP during an AGR tour may result in non-compliance if members does not have an assigned unit to endorse the RPA orders after AGR tour concludes. It is more beneficial for the member to complete TAP as soon as practical when eligible.
I have returned to active duty orders…Can I wave TAP requirements until my orders conclude?
If the mission precluded you from accomplishing TAP during your initial set of orders and there was a break of 1-day or more; the guideline is to complete TAP NLT 90 days after completing a qualifying set of orders (180+ days).
I completed TAP 2 years ago and no longer have the paper work…How do I show compliance?
You can contact any A&FRC. Each installation is required to have a TAP facilitator/Office that is mandated to allow you to participate regardless of branch or service. Ensure that office has updated your records appropriately in AFFIRST system. AFFIRST maintains all TAP compliance records and history. If you accomplish TAP at a non-Air Force installation, ensure to submit copies of your compliance documents to an A&FRC at an Air Force base to ensure you receive proper credit in AFFIRST.
I have no plans on separating from the Air Force…Do I still need to accomplish TAP?
Yes. The only exemptions are as follows: If you’re a student or have civilian employment you only have to accomplish the Pre-Separation brief, the 1-day VA brief, and the Capstone. If you were active duty and completed TAP during active duty and subsequently participated in 180 day or more set of orders after 21 Nov 2012, you are required by law to comply and re-accomplish TAP.
Where can I track the status (Green/Red) of my TAP compliance?
Members should be able to check ARCNet ("pre-separation" located under the ATMT tab) to determine if status is red or green. Be advised that initiatives are in place to correct system delays that provide ARCNet updates so please be patient. If an immediate status update is required and you have your completed DD 2958/CAPSTONE with all endorsements, email a "Pre-Separation Status Update Request" with the attached DD2958 to:
How are TAP orders generated?
1) Member initiates orders utilizing AROWS-R
2) Please ensure that ADOS
orders are being generated and the following lines of accounting are being selected for all TAP order requests in AROWS-R:
I am currently on a 1095 waiver-How can I attend TAP?
TAP will ideally be completed during your qualifying tour. If circumstances require, it may also be completed during IDT or Annual Tour with the permission of your Active Duty unit, or on separate AFRC-funded RPA orders (provided member is on 1095 waiver). To cover all bases ensure that the Commander is in the know with utilizing other than AFRC-funds to complete TAP.