Applicable to: Air Force Reserve
Involuntary assignments from the IMA program to the IRR are executed in accordance with AFI 36-2115, para 3.5. RIO Detachments will determine whether a member meets all position, unit, or individual program requirements by examining and evaluating any information received that indicates a member should be considered for involuntary reassignment.
* The member should receive a Memorandum of Notification summarizing the circumstances for the involuntary reassignment and the member's rights, or alternative actions that may be considered before final approval.
* Upon notification from the RIO detachment, ARPC/DPAA will execute the transfer and send all the supporting documentation to Automated Records Management System (ARMS) for member's record.
The member is currently active and no longer desires to participate for pay and points in the IMA program. The member should contact their servicing RIO Detachment to initiate processing to an inactive status.
* Upon assignment approval, the losing Detachment submits the assignment package request to include the approved AF IMT 1288 and other applicable documents to ARPC/DPAA through myPers for MilPDS update and orders generation.
* ARPC/DPAA will send the assignment order and all the supporting documentation to Automated Records Management System (ARMS) for member's record.
Attachments must be in PDF format and included in all requests. Failure to include the correct paperwork will cause a delay in processing.
All requests MUST include:
- AF IMT 1288
- AF IMT 1206 (if applicable)
Palace Chase:
- AF IMT 100
- DD 4 (if applicable)
- Approved Palace Chase Contract
Palace Front:
- AF IMT 100
- DD 4 (if applicable)
Involuntary to Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR):
- Approved supporting documentation
IRR to ANG or AFR:
- DD 4 (if needed)
- Waivers (if applicable)
- Statements of Understanding (as needed)
Assignment Action Request (CAC required for access)