U.S.C. Title 10, Chapter 1005, Section 10145, Ready Reserve: Placement In, authorizes members who are RegAF or Reserve retirees to serve in the Air Force Reserve to meet critical manning needs.
Individuals currently retired, who have not reached their Mandatory Separation Date (MSD) or High Year Tenure (HYT), may request Unit, IMA and ART assignments based on the Air Force Reserve Indispensability Policy. The Chief of the Air Force Reserve (AF/RE) is the delegated approval authority for these assignment requests.
- If approved, individuals will be restricted to an initial 2-year contract*
- Individuals may request extensions in 2-year increments but may be curtailed based on the needs of the AFR
- If a member serving under this policy is selected to fill another position or selected for promotion, the individual must submit a new indispensability application for AF/RE approval prior to changing positions
* See References for AFSCs where some program restrictions have been temporarily lifted based on AFR mission requirements per the AFRC Indispensability Policy Addendum
Initial Application Process
- Interested members should apply by submitting an application through an Air Force Reserve recruiter. The recruiter will work with the gaining Unit’s servicing Force Support Squadron/RIO Detachment to route the request for approval.
- The gaining FSS/Det will submit all Retiree to SelRes requests on an AFRC Snowflake through the Task Management Tool (TMT) for NAF/CC or RIO/CC approval.
Units and Dets must route a complete package, in accordance with the templates below, to the following organizations in TMT
1. Unit/Wing or Det
7. AF/RE
Retired Reserve to SelRes Snowflake Template (Package Requirement)
3. If AF/RE approves the request, ARPC/DPA will notify the gaining NAF/Wing or RIO/Det of approval or disapproval actions.
Special Note: Requests can take 120-180 days to be processed/approved from the time ARPC receives it via TMT.
Extension Request Process
Upon completing an initial 2-year assignment, individuals may request extensions in one year increments. The Air Force Reserve Command Deputy Commander (AFRC/CD) is the approval authority for these requests.
- The member must submit an extension request through their chain of command for approval.
- The member’s servicing FSS or Det will submit all extension requests on an AFRC Snowflake through the TMT.
Unit/Wing and Dets must route a complete package, in accordance with the template below, to the following organizations in TMT:
1. Unit/Wing or Det
5. AFRC/A1
Retired Reserve to SelRes Snowflake Template (Package Requirement)
- ARPC/DPAA will notify the owning NAF/Wing or RIO/Det via TMT, upon approval/disapproval. If the request is denied, the member will return to retired status upon completion of their contracted assignment.
Special Note: Requests can take up to 90 days to process from the time ARPC/DPAA receives it in TMT.
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