Applicable to: Air Force Reserve
The Enlisted Developmental Education Board (EDEB) evaluates and recommends high potential enlisted members to attend select in-residence Professional Development courses. EDEB convenes annually in the Spring with a posted invitation to apply generally two to three months in advance of the board.
Course Categories
* Enlisted Professional Development
* Sister Service Academy Opportunities
Courses for the current year will be included in the Invitation to Apply ARPCM.
The invitation to apply specifies available courses the reserve component currently holds quotas. Applicants are highly encouraged to thoroughly review this document because it gives detailed information on the application process, suspense date, courses offered, and applicable prerequisites.
Points to remember when completing your EDEB application:
* Candidates are required to prioritize all schools for which they are eligible in order of preference.
* Completed applications must be routed and endorsed by Rater, Additional Rater, applicable Command Chief/Group Superintendent, and MPS/RMG Program Manager, as applicable.
* It is imperative that potential applicants pay particular attention to the eligibility criteria outlined in the “Invitation to Apply”. ARPC/DPAF will not accept partial or incomplete applications.
Application Submission
Applications must be submitted through the vPC Dashboard via myPers.
Members selected to attend EDEB are matched to their respective school based on the needs of the service, followed by consideration of the individuals’ preferences. Alternates will be selected to fill vacant quotas based on the needs of the service. HQ Air Reserve Personnel Center will contact the members and notify them of their selection. Selectees, and their respective chain of command, should ensure their availability for their designated school, including avoidance of conflicting tours unless such tours are absolutely mission essential.