Applicable to: Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve
The following article provides guidance for Air Reserve Component (ARC) members who are considering submitting an application for conditional release for enlistment/appointment in another branch of armed forces, to include other Uniformed Service components (Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).
Initiating Agencies (recruiters) will use DD Form 368, Request for Conditional Release from the Reserve or Guard Component, for authorization to transfer Airmen between Reserve and Regular Components of the Military Services (Inter-service Transfer), with the exception of those requesting transfer to the Air Force Reserve.
Approval Authorities
Each request for a conditional release will be forwarded through the appropriate chain of command to the final approval authority for action before an Airman can be enlisted or appointed in the gaining service. This is applicable to ANG and AFR unit assigned Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) members.
Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) members will process a request through the myPers-Total Force Service Center (myPers - TFSC) for action via fax at commercial (478) 327-2215 or DSN 497-2215. This must be completed prior to enlistment or appointment.
Expiration of Conditional Release
ANG, AFR and IMA conditional release authorizations are valid for 90 calendar days. An IRR conditional release authorization is valid for 180 calendar days. However, as an exception, authorization for conditional release will expire at the end of their Military Service Obligation (MSO) or Expiration Term of Service (ETS).
Airmen accepting enlistment or appointment in another branch of service are discharged one day prior to the date enlisted in or appointed by the gaining service.
Official Documents Request
Official documents from an Airman's personnel record must be processed through the myPers - TFSC by the gaining service recruiter. The Standard Form 180 must be signed by the member and accompany the recruiter’s request.