CY18A RSSB Invitation to Apply

  • Published
  • By ARPC Public Affairs

CY18A RSSB Invitation to Apply Release:  CY18A Air Force Reserve School Selection Board (RSSB) will convene 5-9 Feb 2018 at the Air Reserve Personnel Center, Buckley Air Force Base, CO. The Invitation to Apply can be found via the myPers scrolling banner and on the Force Development page or by clicking here. To apply log in to the myPers vPC Dashboard and the RSSB application will be accessible under the "Action Requests" tab. Applications are due to ARPC NLT 1630 MT on 8 Jan 2018; however, applicants are urged to check with their units for local deadlines.

For more information, call the Total Force Service Center at 1-800-525-0102. Questions specific to the RSSB process can also be directly addressed by emailing:


Brigadier General, USAF
Commander, Air Reserve Personnel Center

NOTE:  The Invitation to Apply can be viewed by clicking here