Suspense Date for CY18 Major Position Vacancy Promotion Board

  • Published
  • By Air Reserve Personnel Center Public Affairs

Commanders -

Suspense date for CY18 Major Position Vacancy Promotion Board Notification:
The CY18 Air Force Reserve Line and Nonline Major Promotion Selection Boards are scheduled to convene at the Air Reserve Personnel Center Jan. 29, 2018.  Senior raters who wish to nominate exceptionally well-qualified candidates for Position Vacancy promotion have until Dec. 15, 2017, to submit PV PRFs. There are no exceptions to this suspense date.

The PV master eligibility list is available through the Air Force Promotion Systems (AFPROMS) and will reflect officers meeting the PV date of rank requirement. Should the senior rater decide to nominate an eligible officer, MPSs must ensure the officer meets eligibility criteria as outlined in ARPCM 17-18 dated Aug. 3, 2017, and AFI 36-2406, Chapters 3 and 8. 

MPSs should submit the AF Form 709, as instructed in ARPCM 17-18. NOTE: Do not mail, email or submit PV PRFs through Case Management System (CMS).

For more information call the Total Force Service Center at 1-800-525-0102, DSN 665-0102 or COMM 210-565-0102. 

Brigadier General, USAF
Commander, Air Reserve Personnel Center