BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- During a government shut down, no IDTs are authorized. If the government shuts down and you had IDTs scheduled, you must reschedule that duty.
If an IMA is currently on a certified order (start date on or before Jan. 19, 2018), they are cleared to perform the remainder of the tour covered by that certified order. Modifications that extend the original end date on the order are not authorized.
If an IMA is scheduled to travel this weekend (or for the duration of the possible shut down), they must cancel travel. No travel is authorized during the shut down, regardless of certified orders in hand.
If an IMA has duty (not IDT) scheduled and has a certified order that is within the commuting area, then they may proceed on that order since no travel is necessary.
In no case should a member perform duty expecting retroactive approval or reimbursement, when they do not have certified orders.
More details will be provided as they are available, as well as instructions once a budget is approved.