CY19 EDEB Invitation to Apply, Change 1

  • Published
  • By Air Reserve Personnel Center Public Affairs

UPDATE AS OF 3/22/2018: The CY19 EDEB deadline has been extended from April 9 to April 16, 2018.

Change 1 to CY19 Enlisted Developmental Education Board (EDEB) - Invitation to Apply (ITA):  The CY19 Air Force Reserve EDEB ITA Change 1 updates the previous version released on Feb. 2, 2018. Change 1 updates both attachment 2.2 and 3 within the previous ITA to accurately reflect a change in Sister Service PME qualification criteria from HQ AF/A1DLE for FY18.

Change 1 edits:
1. Added Note 1 to the Requirements column of Marine Corps Staff NCO Academy Advanced Course and Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Academy

2. Removed Note 3, “Members must complete the SNCO PME Distance Learning (DL) course to be eligible to attend any of the sister Service EPME courses.” from the Requirements column of Navy Senior Enlisted Academy, Marine Corps Staff NCO Academy Advanced Course, and Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Academy

3. Changed the Description and Length columns of the Navy Senior Enlisted Academy to reflect the current course-length timeline (i.e. from 13 weeks to 11 weeks start to finish)

4. Removed Prerequisite of SEJPME II within the Navy Senior Enlisted Academy Requirements column within attachment 2.2 and paragraph 5 within attachment 3.

For more information, call the Total Force Service Center at 1-800-525-0102. Questions specific to the EDEB process can be directed to  

Brigadier General, USAF
Commander, Air Reserve Personnel Center