Next IR Orientation set for Aug 20-23, applications due July 6

  • Published
  • Headquarters Individual Reservist Readiness and Integration Organization

HQ RIO will host the next IR Orientation (IRO) course Aug 20-23, 2018. Individual Reservists (IRs) gained within the last 12 months are automatically eligible. IRs gained more than 12 months prior to the class start date may attend with HQ RIO Detachment commander approval.

IR Orientations are provided twice a year at HQ RIO, Buckley AFB, Colorado. The course provides IRs with tools and information to effectively manage their Air Force career. Although this training is not mandatory, it is highly recommended.

The deadline to apply for the IRO course is July 6, 2018. Please note that all attendees must be in a RPA/School Tour status (requested through AROWS-R). Annual tour or IDTs cannot be utilized for IR Orientation attendance.

To Register: 

  • Log-in to myPers (  
  • Select "Incidents/Messages" under My Account (top left of home screen, below the myPers logo and site navigation bar) 
  • Select "Email Us" 
  • Component - "Air Reserve" 
  • Category - "Training" 
  • Subject - "IR Orientation August 2018" 
  •  Question – Supply the required registration information listed below

Required registration information:  

  • Detachment assigned 
  • Date gained to IR program
  • Rank Name (Last Name, First Name)
  • Contact number (cell phone, or duty phone if you are currently in status) 
  • E-mail address 
  • All attendees will have Buckle AFB lodging reserved on their behalf (unless in the HOR is CO) Travel mode (commercial air or POV, if in the local area) 
  • HQ RIO Detachment commander endorsement (if gained more than 12 months prior to Aug 20, 2018) 
  • Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC). GTCC is required by the Joint Travel Regulation for official government travel

Space is limited and applications must be received by Jul y 6, 2018. Please contact your servicing detachment with questions or concerns. Detachment contact information can be found at the HQ RIO website: under “Detachments” or “HQ RIO Directory” link or the free RIO Connect IMA Mobile Wingman App.