HQ RIO Individual Reservist Advisory Council Membership Volunteer Opportunity

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Eric Amidon
  • Headquarters Readiness and Integration Organization

An opportunity exists for a select group of Individual Reservists (IR) (to include Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMA), Mobilization Augmentees (MA), and Participating Individual Ready Reserve (PIRR) members), to join the new Headquarters Readiness and Integration (RIO) IR Advisory Council for a period of one (1) year.  **NOTE: This is a volunteer additional duty, not an IMA position.**

The HQ RIO IR Advisory Council is a forum for HQ RIO leadership, RIO Detachment leadership, and a cross section of IRs to develop innovative solutions to unique or complicated issues affecting the IR force.  This council will give IRs the opportunity to identify IR issues experienced in the field, prioritize IR-based solutions, and ultimately provide recommendations directly to the Commander, HQ RIO for action.

Selected IRs are required to serve a one (1) year term and take part in quarterly meetings during that time period.  The HQ RIO Advisory Council will meet via VTC four (4) times each year.  No travel is required.  All Air Force specialty codes (AFSCs) and ranks are eligible to participate.

Applications must include the following PDF documents:

  • Letter/memo from applicant (any format) stating why they want to be a member of the council and what they hope to accomplish as a member of the council including supervisor endorsement
  • Career Data Brief

The application deadline is 1 August 2019.  Please submit applications or any questions via myPers https://mypers.af.mil/app/ask.  Choose “Air Reserve” as the Component and “IMA Management” as the Category using the subject line:  IR ADVISORY COUNCIL APPLICATION.