HQ RIO Holiday Message

  • Published
  • By Col Amy Boehle

2019 has been a year of change and outstanding accomplishments throughout HQ RIO.  I’m truly grateful to have the opportunity to serve alongside all of you, the dedicated men and women that make up the Individual Reservist force.  We are an amazing team and what each of you does every day is important and has a significant impact.  Please don’t forget how vital you are to providing combat air power for our RegAF partners, and that the AF Reserve mission would not be successful without you.  

While this is a time to look forward to 2020, this is also a time to focus on spending time with friends and family during the holidays. We understand friends and family members often sacrifice so much to support our careers and we wouldn’t be able to do what we do without them. So thank them for me and take the time to tell them how much you appreciate them.

This time of year also can be difficult for some of us, and to those that are struggling please know you are not alone. Chief Wilfong and I are here to support you as well as your Detachments and RegAF organization, and there are so many other resources available if you need help personally, emotionally, or spiritually. There is no stigma attached to needing help, and it doesn’t matter if you’re in status or not, you are still part of the RIO family. We need you all to come back safely after the holidays so take care of yourself and take care of each other.

From myself and everyone at HQ RIO, happy holidays and have a Happy New Year!