HQ ARPC announces CY20A RSSB results

  • Published
  • By Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center Public Affairs

Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center officials have released the results of the semi-annual CY20A Reserve School Selection Board as of Friday, March 20, 2020, at 1 p.m. MT.

The selection board convened at HQ ARPC Feb. 3-7, 2020, to match selected members to their respective schools based upon the needs of the Air Force Reserve and consideration for the individual's school preferences. Board members selected 143 of 802 applicants. A list of those selected can be found by logging into myPers or viewing the official list on the HQ ARPC Force Development webpage

The Developmental Education team at HQ ARPC will be sending out an email directly to all selects and alternates with in-depth information regarding the course schedule and requirements, and contact information for HQ ARPC and AFRC/A1KO for questions. At this time, there is no expectation that the RSSB courses included in this release will be affected by the current travel restrictions or other guidance; however, should changes need to be made, a member from the AFRC/A1KO office will reach out directly to the individuals affected to walk them through the next steps.

Questions specific to the RSSB process can also be directly addressed by emailing: arpc.dpaf.rssb@us.af.mil or calling the Total Force Service Center at 1-800-525-0102.