Changes, reminders for CY20 Stripes for Exceptional Performers II program

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The Stripes for Exceptional Performers (STEP II) program, formally known as the Promotion Enhancement Program (PEP), is a commander’s program designed to promote outstanding and well-deserving Air Force Reserve Airmen in Category A, members assigned to a unit, and Category B, Individual Mobilization Augmentees to one grade above the authorized grade for their position. STEP II also applies to Category E or Participating Individual Ready Reserve members for E-6 through E-9 promotions. Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) establishes STEP II quotas, which are determined by manning levels.

Due to the current environment and the COVID-19 response, some requirements are subject to change. Messaging regarding any changes will follow as needed and available on the myPers page so check this page regularly for the most up-to-date guidance, procedures, and changes.

Please note important changes and reminders below for the 2020 STEP II program. Messaging on any changes will follow as needed and be put on myPers so check this page for the most up-to-date guidance, procedures, and changes. 

1.  The checklist has been updated. FSS (or equivalent) representative’s signature is required to validate nominee is not an overage in the grade of E-6, E-7 or E-8. If the nominee is an over grade in an E-5 position the FSS (or equivalent) must validate that the nominee promotion will not result in overage and over grade situation simultaneously.

2.  AF Form 1206 headings have been updated. The AF Form 1206 will be 18 lines in bullet format to include the grade applicable headings as follows:       

          Current NCOs (SSgt/TSgt): Accomplishing the Mission, Leading Airmen and Whole Airman Concept

          Current SNCOs (MSgt/SMSgt): Accomplishing the Mission, Leading Airmen, Managing Resources, Whole Airman Concept

3.  Those members being nominated who currently hold the grade of E-7 and above and are serving in a special duty position must coordinate with the applicable HQ AFRC functional manger. There has been an additional signature block for this coordination added to the checklist.

1.  TIG and TIS requirements only have to be met on the Promotion Eligibility Cutoff Date (PECD), not at the time of nomination.

2.  Fitness must be current at time of nomination AND on the PECD.

3.  No signature is required on the AF Form 1206. Late and/or incomplete nominations will NOT be returned by ARPC for correction(s) and will NOT be eligible to meet the board.

The SUSPENSE for all nominations is June 10, 2020.

For policy inquiries contact HQ AFRC/A1KK, or DSN 497-1243. For board execution questions please submit a ticket via myPers via Force Development.

The CY20 STEP II Guide and other message topics can be found on the A1R SharePoint.

Nominees for STEP II must meet all eligibility requirements in accordance with AFI 36-2502, Enlisted Airman Promotion/Demotion Program.

Board dates and schedules are provided by HQ ARPC. Upon completion of the STEP II board, results will be forwarded to HQ AFRC and released by HQ ARPC.