BUCKLEY SPACE FORCE BASE -- Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center will virtually host an Air Reserve Orientation Course for Air Force Reserve MPF/CSS personnel June 28-29, 2021.
Discussions will be lead by subject matter experts from HQ ARPC on topics including retirements, evaluations, and promotion board operations. The two day course will be held over Zoom for Government and subject matter experts will remain on line following each briefing for questions. A complete agenda along with the Zoom link and dial in information will be released to members that register via the link below.
Reservists may register for this event by using the following link*.
*Please fill out the form on a NIPR computer, provide your email address when accessing the form and for best results use the MS Edge browser.
Sample of briefing topics:
-- Separations/Retirements
-- DD Forms 214
-- Assignments/Conditional Releases
-- Entitlements
-- Point Credit Summary
-- Officer Promotions Boards
-- Evaluations
All briefings will be recorded and made available for members unable to attend in person. For more information about the Air Reserve Orientation Course, please visit the ARPC Orientation Course webpage: