Training leads supervisors in the right direction

  • Published
  • By Mike Molina
  • Editor
When it comes to managing federal civilian employees, there is a lot to know. 

From inprocessing and overtime, to leave and appraisals, the information is varied and can come from myriad laws, regulations, Air Force instructions and negotiated labor agreements. In fact, the information is so vast, the government's Office of Personnel Management is dedicated solely to managing civilian personnel issues. 

Barbara Powelson, a 9-year veteran of managing civilian personnel in the federal government and a human resources specialist at the Air Reserve Personnel Center, knows the amount of information supervisors of civilian employees need to learn can be daunting. But more informed supervisors are better prepared to support the employees who work for them, she says. 

"Someone who knows what they're doing, inspires confidence in their employees," Ms. Powelson said. "And a well-informed, well-trained supervisor knows what to look for and knows how to resolve issues." 

In November, officials from ARPC's human resources office launched the "Leaders in the Know" program, a monthly two-hour training session where supervisors meet to discuss topics that have been identified as most beneficial. Facilitating the sessions are personnel specialists from the human resources office who provide expert guidance and answers to questions the supervisors may have. 

"It's intended to be a working group," said Tony Martin, human resources officer at ARPC. "This gives supervisors a forum to meet with their peers and discuss issues and concerns they may have." 

So far, they have discussed such topics as leave, employee inprocessing, the National Security Personnel System and the Student Temporary Employment Program. 

Senior Master Sgt. Ramon Roldan has been to each of the sessions and said he recommends the training to all supervisors. 

"It's a lifesaver," he said. "First, you get to hear how other people handle or respond to a situation, and second, you get to hear from the experts whether it was the correct way." 

Training has been scheduled through October, with such topics as: outprocessing, payroll and personnel interface, and union interaction.

For a complete schedule of upcoming "Leaders in the Know" sessions, contact the ARPC human resources office at Ext. 6-8322, or visit them at Post 2D13.