AFRC commander sends holiday wishes

  • Published
  • By Lt. Gen. Charles E. Stenner Jr.
  • Commander, Air Force Reserve Command
As we enter the holiday season and prepare for the new year, I want to thank you, your families and your employers for the many sacrifices made this year for our great nation.

The holidays provide all of us an opportunity to thank our friends and families for their support throughout the year.

To the men and women who are able to celebrate the holidays with friends and family at home, I ask that you remember the hundreds of brave Citizen Airmen who are observing the season under much different circumstances.

More than 1,200 of our Air Force Reserve warriors are serving overseas with incredible distinction in global operations from the deserts of Iraq and Africa to the mountains of Afghanistan and South America. I ask the entire Air Force Reserve family to keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers as we eagerly await their safe return.

This past year much has been asked of you, and you have met every challenge without reservation.

In the coming years, we will face many more challenges as Air Force Reserve Command becomes a fully operational command. We will be more directly involved in meeting the needs of combatant commanders overseas. I have every confidence that you are up to every task and will exceed all expectations.

Dee and I wish you and your families the very best during this festive time and for 2010!

(Air Force Reserve Command News Service)