Are you prepared for the change challenge?

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Laramie W. Reece
  • APRC Unit Advisory Commissttee
PSDT, vPC-GR, PBD 720, BRAC, RMG, contractors working at ARPC, AFPC-OL, ANG assigned to ARPC, NSPS, deployments, new EPR/OPR forms, fitness, DIMHRS --  When you read these you might become a little un-easy and it is true, all of these things have or will in the future bring enormous changes to the Air Force, the DOD, and how we assigned to ARPC conduct our day to day business; and undoubtedly throughout your life and career there will be untold amounts of changes; but being prepared for the change is one of the biggest steps we can take.

Depending on the level of change, for some people, some change is good and it is easy to transition, but to others, especially those that it affects the most, change can range from a mild transition to a very difficult one. Change can bring on stress and anxiety because of many unknown factors that change can bring.

One might ask, "how do you prepare for change?" For each person this answer comes in different forms. Since each person deals with change differently, recognizing what you need is one of the most important parts. To begin you need to ask yourself some questions. Do you feel nervous about the change? How will the change affect you short and long term? How much more planning and preparation do you need once the change is implemented? These are just some questions you can ask yourself to start thinking about the change.

Once you have thought about the change, you can start to look at the unknown factors that make you uneasy and naturally bring stress. Ask co-workers their opinion of the change. Talk to your supervisor and leaders to get their thoughts on the change. Through these discussions, you will discover that many people share the same stress and anxiety, but you will also see some of the positive effects of the change.

Now that you have some answers to the unknowns and uncertainty, you can begin to deal with and understand the change. Yes, you will probably still have anxiety and stress as the change is approaching, but you have taken the most important step by preparing and understanding the change. However, don't be afraid to continue to talk and relate to co-workers, supervisors and leaders; through discussions, everyone can prepare for change.

When you have taken all the steps to prepare for the change, you have done the biggest step of all, and accept the change will occur, this will allow you to implement and transition the change, which is the biggest challenge!

So are you prepared?