Airmen's advocates Published June 22, 2007 By Chief Master Sgt. Valerie Pryor ARPC Chief, Individual Ready Reserve Management, DENVER -- We are American Airmen. We have answered our nation's call. And while we are defending our country with our lives, professional military associations such as the Air Force Sergeants Association, the Noncommissioned Officer Association, the Reserve Officer Association, The Retired Enlisted Association, and the Air Force Association watch out for us. Representatives from these organizations devote their time and efforts on our behalf so we can concentrate our time and efforts on preserving our country's freedom. These organizations are non-profit advocates comprised mainly of volunteers. An example list of services includes scholarships, employment assistance, education assistance, discounts, professional development, and insurance. The most valuable service they offer is legislative initiatives. Delegates lobby on Capitol Hill for issues near and dear to our hearts. Some successful initiatives granted us housing allowance increases, pay raises, and 100 percent tuition assistance. Details and additional information on each organization may be found at their Web sites as follows: The Air Force Sergeants Association, The Noncommissioned Officer Association, The Reserve Officers Association, www. The Retired Enlisted Association, The Military Officers Association of America, The Air Force Association, Any one of these benefactors can be used as an avenue to change things. There is a lot of truth in the "strength in numbers" adage. As professional American Airmen, it is in our best interest to affiliate with at least one of these associations. We owe a lot of support and gratitude to those who campaign to improve our quality of life.