For all inquiries regarding KEY and JDAL IMA positions, please reach out to the appropriate DET as specified within the job vacancy announcement. Per the reg, these positions will now be hired directly through the DET that owns the position as well as the management of SOUs. Term limits will be monitored by the member and the CFMs.
There is no longer a KCJ Branch as the four main duties have been absorbed as follows:
- Student Outplacement now falls under the Developmental Education Branch (POC: Maj Cara Swanson); this allows a cradle-to-grave, streamlined approach.
- KCJ position hiring and term limits management is with each individual DET. All personnel will need to work directly with the DETs regarding any questions related to KCJ hiring or term limits.
- HQ AGR assignment facilitation was a TEMP program to assist AGR Assignments Team as they developed the new AGR program; the new AGR program is now active.
- The annual KEY Validation is being managed within the Force Development Division.