BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- At HQ RIO we are currently addressing some systemic and process problems that have impacted IR MilPay and Travel Pay for years. Although some of the root causes are outside of our control, we are executing a plan to fix what is within our control. For the past few years, HQ RIO has been on a journey to build processes that will provide the timely and accurate IR pay that our customers deserve. In June 2018, we began our transition away from email and AMRDEC to using myPers as a case management system and transparent way of managing pay submissions. On 1 November 2018, we transitioned RIO customer support to the TFSC to provide 24/7/361 support to IRs. Both of these efforts will take time to mature but we are confident these two steps are critical to building effective and efficient IR MilPay and Travel Pay processes.
Unfortunately, as we begin FY19 IR travel pay is still facing a considerable transactional backlog. We are committed to addressing this issue and have a plan to aggressively eliminate the backlog and build our operations to support a 10-day processing timeline. In the meantime, we are posting on our website the current expected timeline for processing based on the date a voucher was received at HQ RIO.
You have our commitment that we are doing everything in our power to attack this problem and get members paid accurately and on time! Please be patient with us through the next few months as we fully operationalize all of these major changes and rebuild the processes to meet your expectations.
In order to assist us with this transition, please note the following tips to help with voucher processing.
Keys to Member Success:
- File your voucher within 5 days of return.
- Ensure the reimbursements you are claiming are authorized on your orders.
- Use the resources and checklists available in the Travel Companion guide and the RIO Connect App to assist in submitting your voucher correctly. Incomplete voucher packages will be sent back for correction, slowing the processing timeline.
- Refer to the current timelines on HQ RIO Travel and Pay web pages to know how long to expect for voucher processing and payment.
- When requesting telephone assistance, call TFSC at 1-800-525-0102 preferably during off-peak hours (their busiest time is 0900-1500 CT) to minimize time on hold.
Keys to Member Success using MyPers:
- Use links from RIO website to submit your MyPers reimbursement incident (Travel: https://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/hqrio/IRTravel.aspx; Pay: https://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/hqrio/IMA-RPO.aspx).
- Separate Travel and Pay reimbursement requests---1 transaction per MyPers ticket please. Don't mix pay and travel issues in a single MyPers ticket as this will slow the processing time.
- To request an update or add information to a MyPers incident, do not open a new incident. Update the same incident you submitted previously. Updating an existing ticket DOES NOT put you at the bottom of the queue!
For concerns about your Government Travel Card, please contact your Agency Program Coordinator (APC) with any questions pertaining to the GTC program. The APC which manages your card is attached to your owning active component unit. Please use this message as needed to communicate the travel reimbursement backlog to your APC.
You are an important and valued AFR member, thank you for your service as well as for your patience during this program transition!