BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- HQ RIO is now accepting nomination packages for the 2019 Outstanding Airman of the Year Award. Complete nomination packages are due to your detachment by 2359hrs local Dec. 21, 2018. Only complete packages will be considered.
Please see the nominations guidelines below and ensure that they are strictly adhered to:
The period of service for the 2019 12 OAY Award is 1 January - 31 December 2018. Write-ups must be based upon achievements that occurred only during calendar year 2018
Since nominees are representatives of the Air Force enlisted force, they must also stand the test of a "whole life/whole career" scrutiny. The "whole life/whole career" screening will be conducted at Air Force level only.
Please Note: Do not submit nominees who have previously been selected as a 12 OAY.
Nominate members in the category of award that corresponds to the grade held for the majority of the award period. For example, if a member has held the grade of TSgt for seven months of the award period and is then promoted to MSgt, nominate the member in the NCO category, not the SNCO category.
All MAJCOM/COCOM/FOA/DRU/AFELM/Air Staff DCS/Secretariat nominees will require retainability through 30 September 2019. Only those nominees selected by their respective MAJCOM/COCOM/FOA/DRU-AFELM/Air Staff
DCS/Secretariat must satisfy this requirement.
As soon as nominees (base-level nominees) are selected, take action to extend the current enlistment or re-enlist any nominee whose date of separation is prior to 30 September 2020.
1. Nominees who do not have retainability through 30 September 2020 may extend their current enlistment IAW AFI 36-2606, Re-Enlistment in the United States Air Force, Chapter 4, Table 4.1, Rule 28, as an exception to policy.
2. Military Personnel Flight (MPF) officials who are normally responsible for approving/disapproving re-enlistment extensions may approve or disapprove extensions for the purpose of the 12 OAY Award Program. AFPC does not have to approve or disapprove such requests.
3. Cite this message as the authority for the extension in the remarks section of the AF Form 1411, Extension or Cancellation of Extensions of Enlistment in the Regular Air Force, as follows: "To Participate in the 12 OAY Award Program."
4. Do not violate the 23/48 month limitations. Airmen who cannot extend their enlistment because of the 23/48 month limitation must reenlist to acquire the needed retainability.
5. Nomination packages will be returned without action to the MAJCOM at the time of submission for any nominees that do not have or have not obtained the required retainability.
Any nominees who extended their enlistment for the 12 OAY Award Program and are non-winners may cancel their extensions IAW AFI 36-2606, para 4.11.4, as an exception to policy. MPS officials who normally approve/disapprove extensions of enlistment may approve the request for cancellation. Cite this message as the authority for the cancellation in the remarks section of the AF Form 1411. Point of contact for retainability issues is HQ AFPC/DP1SSR Reenlistments, DSN 665-2090.
Nomination Package
1. Recommendation Letter (Recommendation Letter will be completed by MAJCOM once MAJCOM winners have been selected during OAY board)
A recommendation letter addressed to HQ AFPC/DP1SSP signed by the MAJCOM/COCOM/FOA/DRU commander, vice commander, or executive director stating that "validation with the nominee's unit was accomplished ensuring that the nominee does not have any derogatory information, also the statement must read verbatim "A review of the official personnel record was conducted on (date) and revealed no information that would bring discredit to the award or the United States Air Force". This may be delegated to the A1 Directors by the MAJCOM/COCOM/FOA/DRU commander.
2. Write-up (Sample 1206 in Original documents)
A write-up of no more than18 typewritten lines (including stand-alone headings), single-spaced, size 12 point-font, using the front side only the AF Form 1206, Nomination for Award (Must use the most recent form version on e-Pubs) Nomination for Award. Bullet format is mandatory. Nominations should include specific facts, achievements, and examples showing the individuals are exceptional. Achievements should distinguish the member from his or her peers. Common acronyms may be used as long as the meaning is clear (TDY, AF, USAFE, SFS, etc.), otherwise acronyms will not be used and must be spelled out. The use of an acronym list is not permitted.
Nominations for Airman (Airman through Senior Airman), NCO (Staff Sergeant and Technical Sergeant) and SNCO (Master, Senior Master and Chief Master Sergeant) and FSOY (First Sergeant of the Year) must include the following areas and cite examples that occurred only during the award period.
--12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year Award (Sample AF IMT 1206 for Airman)
Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty: Describe significant accomplishments and how well the member performed assigned primary and additional duties. Define the scope and level of responsibilities and the impact on the mission and unit. Include any new initiatives or techniques developed by the member that positively impacted the unit and/or the mission. Show how the member developed or improved skills related to primary duties; e.g., formal training, Career Development Course enrollment or completion, On-the-Job Training, and so forth. Include results of Air Force, MAJCOM, and Numbered Air Force-level inspections and/or evaluations. Include awards received; e.g., NCO of the Quarter, Maintenance Professional of the Year, and so forth. Limit to 12 lines plus header.
--Whole Airman Concept: Define the scope and impact of the member's effort to promote camaraderie, embrace esprit de corps, and act as an Air Force ambassador, including positive leadership and involvement in both the military and civilian community. Include leadership, membership, or participation in unit advisory councils, professional military organizations, associations, and events. Include any off-duty education or other personal development; e.g., class, course, certifications, degree enrollment and/or completion, grade point average. Cite any other relevant training or activity that significantly enhanced the member's value as a military citizen. Limit to 4 lines plus header.
3. Biography (Sample BIO in Original documents)
An official Air Force biography, limited to two pages. Example biographies can be found at the Air Force biography homepage (http://www.af.mil/AboutUs/Biographies.aspx). Installation Public Affairs shops can also assist.
4. Official Photos
Note: Two photos required. If nominee is deployed or just returned from deployment and unavailable, ensure that justification for the status of the required photos is provided in the email (at a minimum).
1. One official Air Force 8x10 photo in .jpg format. Head and shoulders, Service Dress, blue background with US flag. Note: A gray background may be used if a blue background is unavailable
2. One official Air Force 5x7 photo in .jpg format, no bigger than 500KB. Full length, short sleeve blue shirt, no tie/tab, name tag, all ribbons and badges. Note: No exceptions will be authorized regarding the short sleeve blue shirt requirement.
5. Air Force Fitness
A current Air Force Fitness Management System print out of member's physical fitness history. If member is on a profile include a copy of the members AF Form 422, Physical Profile Serial Report in the package. If the member has a current fitness score, but was exempt during any portion of the award period, an AF Form 422 must be provided.
6. Citation (Sample citation in Original documents) A citation is required for First Sergeant of the Year ONLY.
A citation, limited to no less than 50 and no more than 70 words (not including opening and closing statements), that provides specific examples of leadership and job performance; significant self-improvement; and base or community involvement.
7. Statement of Intent (Sample Statement of Intent in Original documents)
A statement of intent addressed to Air Force Personnel Center's Recognition Programs Section (AFPC/DP1SSP), signed and dated by the nominee (all nominees must sign a statement of intent). The statement of intent will read verbatim:
"I have not applied for a commissioning program and, if selected as a 12 OAY, will not apply for a commissioning program until no earlier than 1March following notification of 12 OAY selection."
"If selected as a 12 OAY, I agree to serve in the capacity as an enlisted ambassador representing and assisting the Air Force in enlisted recruiting and retention efforts and matters. I understand I may be called upon by my MAJCOM commander or MAJCOM/CCC to travel to any events or venues deemed appropriate which may have a positive impact upon Air Force recruiting and retention."
"I attest that the facts I have provided for this nomination are true and correct to the best of my knowledge."
8. Statement of Release (Sample Statement of Release in Original documents)
A statement of release, addressed to HQ AFPC/DP1SSP, must be signed and dated by the nominee. The statement will read verbatim:
"I do or do not (circle one) agree to the use of Privacy Act information in the nomination narrative. This information may include Privacy Act information or Personally Identifiable Information (PII) found in DoD 5400.11-R, DoD Privacy Program, Disclosure of Personal Information to Other Agencies and Third Parties and guidance in Air Force Instruction 33-332, Air Force Privacy and Civil Liberties Program, Chapters 1, 2, and 6. I understand those transmitting personal information via email will exercise caution and adequately safeguard it in accordance with AFI 33-332, paragraph 2.5.and subparagraphs.
The announcement message or any publicity regarding the award nomination will contain no privacy act information other than name, rank, and base of assignment." Note: For the Statement of Release, if permission is not granted, it will not preclude member from competing for the award. Ensure that the signed statements listed above (Statements of Intent and Release) are on separate memos.
The only acceptable scanned documents we will accept are those with signatures, such as endorsement letters and public release statements. Digitally signed endorsement letters and public release statements will be accepted. The AF Form 1206 must be sent in its original format (NOT SCANNED) and all other documents should be in MS Word document format.