• Air Force announces 12 Outstanding Airmen of 2020

    An Air Force selection board at the Air Force’s Personnel Center considered 36 nominees who represented major commands, direct reporting units, field operating agencies and Headquarters Air Force.

  • Solicitation for 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year Award 2019

    HQ RIO is now accepting nomination packages for the 2019 Outstanding Airman of the Year Award.  Complete nomination packages are due to your detachment by 2359hrs local Dec. 21, 2018. Only complete packages will be considered.Please see the nominations guidelines below and ensure that they are

  • Solicitation for 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year

    Individual Reservists must ensure nomination packages for the 2017 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year Award are sent to ther servicing HQ RIO Detachment no later than Jan. 15, 2018.This award recognizes enlisted Airmen who distinguish themselves from their peers through job performance, community

  • IMA named AFRC 2016 Outstanding SNCO of the Year

    The Air Force Reserve Command's 2016 Outstanding Airman of the Year winners were announced during the OAY banquet at the Marriott Golf Resort, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, April 12, 2017.Individual Mobilization Augmentee Senior Master Sgt. Wallace Wood, the operations superintendent for the