myPers Articles

  • TFSC - Denver Recognition Services for ANG & AFR Recognition Services

    The Total Force Service Center- Denver (TFSC-DE) located at Headquarter Air Reserve Personnel Center (HQ ARPC) provides decoration processing services to a large customer base which includes Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMA), Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), Unit Air National Guard (ANG), Air

  • Stratification on the AF Form 912

    HQ AFRC/A1 Email 17-150ALCON,This message is for widest dissemination (please ensure all Chiefs and Senior Raters are advised of this update)May 31st marked the Static Close-Out Date (SCOD) for Chief Master Sergeant evaluations. This is not the initial use of the new AF Form 912; however, it marks

  • Stratification on the AF Form 912, Rules of Engagement

    HQ AFRC/A1 Email 17-150AALCON,This message is for widest dissemination (please ensure all Chiefs and Senior Raters are advised of these ROEs)The purpose of stratification on the AF Form 912 is to nominate those assigned CMSgts who are ready for Command Chief duty, this allows those members the

  • IMA to IMA

    The member is currently assigned as a Cat B IMA and desires to be reassigned to another Cat B position within the IMA program. Members seeking another IMA position should view the reserve vacancies listing under the AFPC Secure Application homepage or contact the servicing RIO Detachment for

  • Deactivation of Career Development Course Z1N051

    This message provides guidance to all Base/Unit Training Managers and supervisors for personnel in 5-skill level upgrade training (UGT) in Air Force Specialty Code 1N0X1. The following instructions are provided by the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Air Force Career Field Manager

  • Deactivation of Career Development Course 1N151X Edit Code 02

    This message provides guidance to all Base/Unit Training Managers and supervisors for personnel in 5-skill level upgrade training (UGT) in Air Force Specialty Code 1N1X1. The following instructions are provided by the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Air Force Career Field Manager

  • Deactivation of Career Development Course 1N251X Edit Code 02

    This message provides guidance to all Base/Unit Training Managers and supervisors for personnel in 5-skill level upgrade training (UGT) in Air Force Specialty Code 1N2X1. The following instructions are provided by the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Air Force Career Field Manager

  • Deactivation of Career Development Course 1N451X Edit Code 01

    This message provides guidance to all Base/Unit Training Managers and supervisors for personnel in 5-skill level upgrade training (UGT) in Air Force Specialty Code 1N4X1. The following instructions are provided by the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Air Force Career Field Manager

  • Deactivation of Career Development Course 1N451X Edit Code 01

    This message provides guidance to all Base/Unit Training Managers and supervisors for personnel in 5-skill level upgrade training (UGT) in Air Force Specialty Code 1N4X1. The following instructions are provided by the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Air Force Career Field Manager