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Individual Reserve Frequently Asked Questions

Expand List item 84Collapse List item 84  Q: How do I get paid after my Annual Tour is completed?

The fastest way for IMAs receive their pay for completing annual tour is by completing an electronic Tour of Duty Certification (TOD-C) in AROWS-R. Instructions on how to complete a TOD-C:

Members may also submit certified orders (AF IMT 938) to their respective Reserve Pay Office (RPO). Ensure blocks 36-44 are certified prior to submission.



Expand List item 90Collapse List item 90  Q: How do I obtain a CAC reader?
A: The Individual Reservist's active duty unit can issue CAC readers. If your unit doesn't have a CAC reader available, contact your servicing detachment.
Expand List item 88Collapse List item 88  Q: How do I re-enlist?
A: Complete a Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP) and obtain both supervisor and commander approval. The SRP is then forwarded to the Individual Reservist's servicing detachment. The detachment will staff the SRP to ARPC for DD Form 4 processing. Once the Individual Reservist receives the DD Form 4 from their detachment they can reenlist. Non-bonus career fields can reenlist with in 180 days of ETS; bonus career fields can only reenlist within a 30 day window of ETS. If the Individual Reservist needs to request an SRP or DD 4, the POC is their servicing detachment.
Expand List item 86Collapse List item 86  Q: How do I update my duty title?
A: Current duty title updates require a completed 2096 be prepared by your active duty unit and forwarded to the detachment for update in MILPDS. Duty history updates are submitted to ARPC for update via vPC-GR. Source documentation is required showing when the duty title was in effect (i.e. EPR/OPR).
Expand List item 91Collapse List item 91  Q: How do I volunteer for deployment?

A: There are three ways Individual Reservists may volunteer for deployment:

  1. Volunteer Reserve System (VRS) accessed through ARCNet
  2. Contact your AFRC Functional Area Manager (FAM)
  3. Volunteer to take a unit deployment tasking through your active duty Unit Deployment Manager (UDM)

Visit for more details. 

**NOTE**Individual Reservists must submit a Statement of Understanding (SOU) and AF Form 49 to servicing detachment for all deployments & exercises

Expand List item 82Collapse List item 82  Q: I have already completed my readiness items; how can I get them updated in ARCNet?
A: You will need to ensure readiness update actions have been made in the applicable system of record (i.e. AFFMS, ASIMS, MILPDS, etc.). You may also provide your supervisor or URC with copies of the source documents reflecting currency of all readiness items. Comments can also be added to your ARCNet readiness detail report to identify the requirement has been met. Typically ARCNet will reflect all updated information within 2-3 weeks.
Expand List item 83Collapse List item 83  Q: What is the difference between an Individual Reservist's R/R and FY requirement and what constitutes as a "Bad Fiscal Year"?

A: Individual Reservists have two participation requirements: Retirement & Retention (R/R) and Fiscal Year (FY). The R/R requirement is an annual requirement where the Individual Reservist must earn a minimum of 50 points during the calendar year. 20 satisfactory R/R years renders the member eligible for a Reserve retirement. The FY requirement is an AFRC requirement. All AT and IDTs must be completed during the FY (1 Oct-30 Sep). Only AT and IDTs can satisfy the FY requirement. MPA, RPA, School tours, ECI etc., can only be applied towards the member's R/R year, not the FY requirement.

If you do not meet your mandatory participation requirements (determined by your Reserve Sections Code), you will receive an unsatisfactory year.

Expand List item 85Collapse List item 85  Q: Why am I unable to submit my UTAPS schedule to my supervisor for approval?
A: First, ensure your supervisor has established an account in UTAPS. Second, all IDTs for the fiscal year must be built/accounted for in UTAPS before a member can submit his/her schedule to the supervisor for approval (either 24 or 48 IDT periods).
Expand List item 89Collapse List item 89  Q: How do I apply for retirement?

A: Whether applying for a Reserve or active component retirement, each member must apply electronically through vPC-GR. vPC-GR is accessed through MyPers. From the vPC-GR homepage, click on "dashboard", then "action requests".

NOTE: The effective date of retirement must be at least six months out from the date of submission and the member must have at least 20 years of satisfactory service (which can be an accumulation of active, Reserve, Guard, and/or time spent within another military component).

Expand List item 87Collapse List item 87  Q: How do I know when I'm eligible for promotion?

A: Enlisted - (Position Vacancy) Members must be assigned to a higher graded billet and meet all basic eligibility requirements, as outlined in AFI 36-2502, Table 8.2, dtd. 12, Dec. 2014, in order to be considered promotion eligible. Those requirements are: PME completion, readiness up-to-date, satisfactory FY & R/R participation (for previous & current year), hold appropriate skill level, and recommended by your unit commander.

Officers - The CY Officer Promotion Board Schedule of Events can be found on the MyPers website. Use the following search method to locate the schedule:

  • Reserve
  • Officer
  • Promotion

The basic TIG rules for Mandatory boards are:
Lt/Capt - 2 yrs; Maj - 7 yrs; Lt Col - 7 yrs; Col - 4 yrs

The basic TIG rules for Position Vacancy boards are:
Maj - 5 yrs & Lt Col - 5 yrs; N/A for Lt, Capt and Colonels

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