• Individual Reservists activated for Irma response

    More than 35 Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officers were activated in response to Hurricane Irma’s destructive path through the Caribbean and the Southeast United States. These Air Force Reserve Citizen Airmen were deployed across the eastern seaboard, from the Virgin Islands to Washington, D.C.,

  • 16 EPLOs support Hurricane Matthew relief efforts

    As Tropical Storm Matthew intensified and morphed into a category 5 Hurricane over the Caribbean this past September, Air Force Reserve Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officers in the Southeast United States prepared for the worst. 16 EPLOs from Federal Emergency Management Agency Region 4 were

  • As civilian, reservist 'leads' in fight against forest fires

    In a year that has seen nearly 9 million acres lost to forest fires, the most since 2006, one Air Force Reservist is playing a lead role in beating back the flames. Col. Paul “Buster” Delmonte is an aerial firefighter with the U.S. Forest Service as a civilian. He is a lead plane pilot, escorting