• Air Force travelers reminded of flat rate per diem policy

    Some Air Force travelers may not be aware of a flat rate per diem policy established a few years ago that focused on extended temporary duty travel.Congress instituted the flat rate in November 2014. The new policy reduced per diem from 100 percent to 75 percent for TDYs from 31 to 180 days and to

  • IDT travel and lodging reimbursements delayed

    IDT lodging and travel reimbursements are currently delayed 30-45 days due to a combination of fiscal year-end delays at DFAS and several new processing requirements that went into effect in October.

  • Did you know? Top five RTS travel voucher errors from IMAs

    According to the Headquarters Individual Reservist Readiness and Integration Organization Travel Pay office, in 2015 nearly one in five RTS travel vouchers submitted using DD Form 1351-2 was returned to the traveler for errors. Not only does this high return rate create an excessive amount of

  • Up-to-date personal data key to timely travel payments

    In order to receive timely travel reimbursement and mailings of credit balance refund checks from CitiBank, it is important for Individual Reservists to ensure their mailing address and banking information is up-to-date in the Defense Travel System. To review and update a DTS profile, members should